5 hours (approx.)
Daily Tour
13 people
Discover the flavors and personalities of Central Washington wines. We guide you through our rich growing region and offer one-of-a-kind experiences with many wine varieties, wineries, and vineyards. From intimate to widely-known wine producers, our tours are designed to provide an opportunity to see, feel, and experience from ground to glass. Yakima Valley stretches from the City of Yakima to Benton City. Within the Yakima Valley we tour different regions: Yakima Area – Friday Zillah Area – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday Prosser, Sunnyside, Benton City Areas – Sunday
Your tour includes 3 – 4 Yakima Valley Wineries. The Yakima Valley’s rich growing region produces over 50% of the wine grapes used in Washington state. In addition, the rolling landscapes include apple, cherry, peach, and nectarine orchards. Your tour will wind you through serene landscapes and breathtaking views.
5 hours • Admission Ticket Free