1 hour (approx.)
Daily Tour
1 person
You're on vacation but want to maintain the hard work you've put into the gym. Come on over and enjoy a class on the water with a paddleboard, at the beach, or in a park. We would love to give you a challenging safe workout at your personal level. With over 20 years experience in Pilates along with aqua fitness activities specializing with special populations and even teaching at graduate education institutions, it's still exciting to instruct a class. It's a true traditional Pilates class not just a bunch of exercises thrown at you but unique because we will be in the beautiful outdoors. If you wish to bring a partner with you, we are good with it – just give us a heads up so we have any equipment needed there.
Enjoy the beauty of nature while challenging your body to a Pilates a great workout based on your core which consists of abs, back, and gluts. The certified instructor has over 20 years experience and still is excited to share her knowledge.